Professor Mohan Dutta is recognised with Outstanding Contributions to Promoting Equity and Inclusion Award by the National Communication Association

Professor Mohan Dutta, Dean’s Chair in Communication at School of Communication, Journalism & Marketing, Massey University is recognised with Outstanding Contributions to Promoting Equity and Inclusion Award by the National Communication Association.

CARE: Center for Culture-Centered Approach to Research and Evaluation congratulates Professor Mohan Dutta, as the inaugural recipient of the Outstanding Contributions to Promoting Equity and Inclusion Award of the Health Communication Division, National Communication Association. This award recognises Professor Dutta’s significant and sustainable contributions to addressing inequalities in health outcomes through communication interventions that seek to change unequal structures. Over two decades, he has created and led community-led culture-centered solutions to health and wellbeing among the most marginalised, creating spaces for communities to own decision-making processes. These culture-centered solutions have addressed classed, raced, gendered inequalities that adversely impact human health and wellbeing and created sustained changes in the overarching structural determinants. Outstanding Contributions to Promoting Equity and Inclusion Award by the National Communication Association. In promoting equity and inclusion across communities at the margins spread over eight countries, he has mentored multiple generations of academics, activists, and community researchers. This has contributed to the transformations in the disciplinary structure of health communication, building the basis for a movement toward equity.

Referring to Mohan Dutta’s influence on promoting equity and inclusion, noted Dr. Satveer Kaur-Gill, “Dr. Dutta has not just significantly contributed to toward theoretic health communication literature but has built an impressive register for socially impactful scholarship through community-led change in some of the most disenfranchised communities in different parts of the globe. His public scholarship is an exemplar for how to build health equity amidst marginalization and in challenging the very structures that impede health. This includes writing countless opinion pieces regarding important and challenging health and social issues of our time, leading social change campaigns, participating in protests, writing and signing petitions, and developing strategies alongside communities for changing structures.”

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