Disrupting and Consolidating Communication Research: Applying Communication Theory to Practice

June 12-June 16, 2025

Massey University, Palmerston North, Aotearoa New Zealand

Oceania Hub: Aotearoa New Zealand

Hosted by:

Center for Culture-Centered Approach to Research and Evaluation (CARE)

Communication and Media Studies at Massey University

Organizers: Debalina Dutta, Sy Taffel, Sean Phelan, & Mohan Dutta

Call for Submissions Due Date: March 7, 2025, 11:59 pm NZST

The Oceania Hub of the International Communication Association (ICA) 2025 conference, hosted at Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa Massey University in Aotearoa New Zealand, explores questions surrounding disrupting Communication Research through the lens of Te Tiriti and Social Justice. Drawing on communication scholarship organized around the various registers of social justice, the Hub examines the intersections of communication theorizing and practice, mobilized toward disruptions and consolidation. The hub will be held in hybrid form, with both in-person and virtual sessions. Selected panels, papers, and interventions will be considered for waiver of conference registration fees.

We invite disciplinary and interdisciplinary submissions and multimedia communication interventions (video stories, film, performances, art forms, photographic images, sound productions) from the broader Asia-Pacific, focusing on the representation of the scholarship of communication practice from the Islands of the Pacific. The salience of Pacific participation is constituted around the global sustainability challenges of climate change, rising water levels, extreme inequality etc. We see the hub as offering an opening for disrupting what counts as communication scholarship through the engagement with practices of communication for social change.

The ICA Regional Hub at CARE will comprise a one-day hybrid workshop on “Connecting theory and practice as disruptions.” The workshop will bring in scholars from across the Asia-Pacific in both virtual and face-to-face sessions, focusing on key questions exploring the intersections of theory and practice in the context of addressing complex global challenges at a time when reactionary forces are on the rise. Aligned with the ICA 2025 conference theme of “Disrupting and Consolidating Communication Research,” the workshop will center the questions of disruptions from the context of the Pacific, anchoring the conversations in the struggles for justice and/or sustainability among others in communities across the Pacific. Sessions will connect with local organizers and activists in generating conversations on key questions on decolonizing knowledge. Centering the principles of Kaupapa Māori and indigenous methods across Asia and the Pacific, the workshop will explore the role of community as an organizing space for building knowledge.

The Hub will operate in a hybrid model, with face-to-face participation complementing virtual participation. We welcome paper or panel submissions on the following topics and beyond:

  • The futures of struggles around diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI)
  • Decolonizing communication scholarship
  • Sustainable communicative futures
  • ‘Disruptive innovation’ and social justice
  • AI and/as disruption
  • Disruptive alternatives to corporate platforms and infrastructures
  • Indigenous data sovereignty
  • Internationalization of the culture wars
  • Communication theory and mutant neoliberalism
  • The normalization of reactionary politics
  • Cultures of political resistance
  • Climate justice
  • Communication theory, transdisciplinarity and interdisciplinarity
  • Media cultures and ecologies
  • Imperialism, geopolitics and multipolarity

We extend a special invitation to postgraduate students, activists and scholars from the Global South, Indigenous, LGBTQIA+ and those living with disabilities.

We invite submissions from the region addressing the theme “Disrupting and consolidating Communication Research.” The submissions can take the form of academic papers as well as multimedia forms beyond the text such as photos, audio, video stories, film, performance etc.

Please submit a title and an abstract no longer than 250 words. If you are submitting a multimedia intervention, please describe the interventions in the abstract. Please email your submission to Debalina Dutta at D.Dutta@massey.ac.nz by March 7, 2025, 11:59 pm NZST.

    Professor Mohan Dutta receives 2024 Global Communication Award

    Professor Dutta has been recognised for his pioneering work in de-westernising communication research and promoting social justice through community-led initiatives.

    Professor Mohan Dutta.

    Professor Mohan Dutta, Dean’s Chair Professor of Communication and Director of the Center for Culture-Centered Approach to Research and Evaluation (CARE) at Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa Massey University has been named as the winner of the 2024 Global Communication Award from the National Communication Association (NCA).

    The Global Communication Award recognises distinguished communication scholarship that de-westernises ways of knowing and doing, focuses on regions, communities, or spaces outside of the United States (US) and Europe, integrates and cites international and global scholars, theories, approaches and/or methodologies in their scholarship and amplifies the global ecologies of knowledges.

    Through his scholarship spanning three decades, Professor Dutta has created new openings for communication research and theory of/from the Global South, decentring the North Atlantic dominance of communication studies. He developed the culture-centred approach as a communication theory for conceptualising the ways in which communities of the Global South have been historically marginalised by the intertwined processes of colonialism, racial capitalism and imperialism.

    His research programme, created in partnership with communities struggling against these marginalising forces, seeks to build voice infrastructures for community participation and decision-making in struggles for just futures. The academic-community partnerships he has created and sustained across the globe foster spaces for mobilising for social change.

    From partnering with Adivasi (Indigenous) communities in Eastern India to build Indigenous-led community education programmes and cultural resources, to partnering with youth in the US Midwest to co-design an anti-tobacco advertising campaign and partnering with communities in Highbury and Feilding in Aotearoa New Zealand in co-creating community-owned food systems, violence prevention programmes and communication advocacy campaigns, the impulse of Professor Dutta’s work is rooted in securing justice.

    The award citation states, “Dr Dutta evinces a deep commitment to social justice as a transnational project and has assiduously worked to forge ethical ties across different geopolitical terrains. Thus, Dr Dutta’s work continues to inspire scholars from marginalised communities, exemplifying the qualities of this award.”

    An image excerpt from the IChooseHighbury campaign co-created by the Highbury Advisory Rōpū, built by tangata whenua community researchers at CARE in partnership with the community in Highbury.

    Spanning 17 countries and four continents, the scope of Professor Dutta’s research and leadership, evidenced in his directorship of CARE, fosters the communication capacities of communities experiencing systemic disenfranchisement. Across local, national, regional and global spaces, the work of CARE builds sustainable linkages and connections among struggles for justice. The impact of Professor Dutta’s scholarship is evident in the power of community-led advocacy in influencing policies addressing social injustices. The community-led research collaborations he has built have shaped a wide array of community development projects, including community-owned food systems, hospitals, Indigenous cultural resources, educational infrastructures, systems for clean drinking water and community- and worker-owned advocacy and activist campaigns.

    Professor Dutta says the award is a recognition of the global impact of the world-class research being carried out at CARE.

    “It’s a collective of researchers, community organisers, advocates, activists and civil society organisations that actually carry out the work in community. The steadfast support of Massey University fuels our research programme.”

    Since its relocation to New Zealand in 2018, CARE has carried out over 50 community-led social change projects addressing the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) around no poverty, good health and wellbeing, reduced inequalities, climate action, zero hunger, clean water and sanitation, sustainable cities and communities, peace, justice and strong institutions and partnerships for the goals.

    The most recent scholarship of CARE, on challenging Islamophobia, builds partnerships with communities and civil society organisations in mapping online and offline Islamophobia, developing community-led culture-centred digital literacy programmes challenging Islamophobia and strengthening community capacities in securing peace. White papers and policy briefs derived from the research have played critical roles in shaping public policies around social cohesion and anti-racism.

    The activist-in-residence programme, white papers and community and public dialogues offer templates for community-engaged scholarship with global reach. In addition, CARE regularly hosts international researchers, community organisers, civil society organisations and students from across the globe who are interested in learning about the culture-centred approach to social change. So far, it has trained over 100 researchers, community organisers and peer leaders on the principles and methods of the culture-centred approach. A documentary featuring the work of CARE is available here.

    The international reach of Professor Dutta’s mentorship has been recognised with the Aubrey Fisher Mentorship Award and the NCA Health Communication Division’s award for outstanding contributions to promoting equity and inclusion. He also received the NCA Presidential citation for his contributions to de-centring the whiteness of the discipline through his public scholarship and activism.

    Professor Dutta’s scholarship has also been recognised with the prestigious Charles H. Woolbert Research Award, the NCA’s Golden Anniversary Monograph AwardApplied Communication Award, the Bridge Award for Excellence in Connecting Crisis and Risk Communication Research and the International Communication Association’s Applied Public Policy Communication Researcher Award.

    He is a Distinguished Scholar of the NCA and Fellow of the ICA.

    About the National Communication Association (NCA)

    The NCA advances communication as the discipline that studies all forms, modes, media and consequences of communication through humanistic, social scientific and aesthetic inquiry. The NCA serves the scholars, teachers and practitioners who are its members by enabling and supporting their professional interests in research and teaching.

    Dedicated to fostering and promoting free and ethical communication, the NCA promotes the widespread appreciation of the importance of communication in public and private life, the application of competent communication to improve the quality of human life and relationships and the use of knowledge about communication to solve human problems. The NCA supports inclusiveness and diversity among their faculties, within their membership, in the workplace and in the classroom, and supports and promotes policies that fairly encourage this diversity and inclusion.

    NCA’s annual awards will be bestowed on several distinguished members at the NCA 110th Annual Convention in New Orleans, Louisiana. Below is the list of those who will be honored at the awards presentation.

    2024 National Award Winners

    #ProfessorMohanDutta #GlobalCommunicationAward #NCA #CAREMassey #MasseyUniversity #CARECCA #CommunicationScholarship #DeWesternization #GlobalSouth #SocialJustice #CommunityEngagement #CARE #MasseyUniversity #CulturalCenteredApproach #VoiceInfrastructures #CommunityPartnerships #SocialChange #UNSDGs #Islamophobia #PublicScholarship #EquityAndInclusion #AcademicFreedom #CommunicationResearch #GlobalImpact

    Source: Massey News- Professor Mohan Dutta receives 2024 Global Communication Award – Massey University & NCA

    CARE Activist in Residence Programme Dr. Vijay Prashad | 25 October 2024

    Center for Culture-Centered Approach to Research & Evaluation (CARE), Massey University is excited to announce the Activist in Residence Programme featuring a world-renowned historian and journalist Dr. Vijay Prashad.

    This highly anticipated CARE event called Third World Futures – A Dialogue with Vijay Prashad and Professor Mohan Dutta will take place on 25th October 2024 at the Sir Geoffrey Peren Auditorium (SGP2.01) on the Manawatū Campus, Massey University at 10.30 am NZDT.

    About Dr. Vijay Prashad

    Dr. Vijay Prashad is a distinguished Indian historian, journalist, and author, widely recognized for his influential work on global history and politics. He has authored forty books, including prominent titles such as Washington Bullets, Red Star Over the Third World, The Darker Nations: A People’s History of the Third World, and The Withdrawal: Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, and the Fragility of U.S. Power, co-written with Noam Chomsky.

    In addition to his literary contributions, Dr. Prashad serves as the executive director of Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research, the chief correspondent for Globetrotter, and the chief editor of LeftWord Books in New Delhi. He has also appeared in the films Shadow World (2016) and Two Meetings (2017), which further amplify his critique of global power dynamics.

    The CARE Activist in Residence Programme offers a unique opportunity to engage with Dr. Prashad’s extensive research and activism, spanning topics from the history of the Global South to the fragility of U.S. power in the 21st century. Attendees will gain insights into current global political challenges and the transformative role of activism and scholarship.

    This event is free to attend and open to all. We look forward to welcoming you to what promises to be an enlightening and inspiring discussion.

    Watch the full event recorded on the CARE YouTube and CARE Facebook channels:

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1sLGQtHdFF8

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1399316128140020

    Facebook events page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1237882210738575

    RSVP here: https://forms.office.com/r/GVXSdq2Sh1

    Event Details:

    – Date: Friday, 25th October 2024 

    – Time: 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM NZDT 

    – Venue: Sir Geoffrey Peren Auditorium (SGP2.01), Manawatū Campus, Massey University (Google Maps: https://maps.app.goo.gl/uiPcVek6LbFRCxB2A)

    Read more: https://www.massey.ac.nz/about/news/care-to-host-renowned-intellectual-for-activist-in-residence-programme/

    #CAREConversations#MasseyUniversity #CAREMassey #Aotearoa #NewZealand #ThirdWorldFutures #GlobalSouthVoices#Anticolonialism #SustainableFutures #MasseyEvents #CAREActivistInResidence #TransformingTheSouth

    The Fourth Lecture: Beyond Binary Thinking in Applied Communication Research with Professor Debbie S. Dougherty | University of Missouri

    CARE | Future Directions Of Applied Communication Research Lecture Series

    Lecture 4 | Beyond Binary Thinking in Applied Communication Research

    Date: Thursday, October 10, 2024
    Time: 10 AM NZDT
    Location: LIVE ON Facebook & YouTube via Zoom

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2552960281564393

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/live/jJYA9Ap3amY

    About the Speaker:

     Debbie S. Dougherty (Ph.D. University of Nebraska, 2000) is Professor of Communication at University of Missouri. Her research focuses on power and organizing, particularly as it relates to sexual harassment, social class, and emotions. with publications in places such as Harvard Business Review, Human Relations, Journal of CommunicationHuman Communication ResearchCommunication Monographs, Management Communication Quarterly, Journal of Applied Communication Research, and Sex Roles.

    She has also provided organizational communication training and development in a number of organizations and has been extensively utilized as a resource for news sources such as the New York Times, Newsweek, Forbes, and the Oprah Magazine.

    Prof. Dougherty has received a number of awards, including the Organizational Communication Book of the Year and Textbook of the YearNCA Applied Communication Scholar Award, The Jack Kay Award for Engaged Research, the Management Communication Quarterly Article of the Year Award, the Norman K. Denzin Qualitative Research Award, the Excellence in Education Award, and the Gold Chalk Award for graduate student mentoring.   

    #CAREMassey #CARECCA #CARELectureSeries #MasseyUniversity #ClemsonUniversity #AppliedCommunication #DebbieSDougherty #BinaryThinking #CommunicationResearch

    Professor Mohan J Dutta features on Ayaan Institute’s podcast on Global Hindutva: Communicative Strategies and Impact on Leicester Disorder 2022

    CARE: Center for Culture-Centered Approach to Research and Evaluation is excited to share the podcast by Prof. Mohan Dutta, Massey University with Mr Jahangir Mohammed, Ayaan Institute on #GlobalHindutva

    The latest Ayaan Institute podcast episode features an insightful discussion with Professor Mohan J Dutta from Massey University. Dive into his groundbreaking research on Global Hindutva and its impact on the #Leicester disorder in September 2022. This episode also explores the connections between #Hindutva, far-right narratives, and violence.

    This podcast was streamed LIVE and recorded on 2nd October.

    Don’t miss out! Watch now: https://www.youtube.com/live/5TPK7dDs_Lk

    Read more about Ayaan Institute here: http://www.ayaaninstitute.com/

    CARE | Future Directions Of Applied Communication Research Lecture Series | Before Crisis: The Ongoing Process of Instructing and Engaging Publics

    The Third Lecture

    Lecture 3 | Before Crisis: The Ongoing Process of Instructing and Engaging Publics

    Before Crisis: The Ongoing Process of Instructing and Engaging Publics with Prof. Deanna Sellnow & Prof. Timothy Sellnow | Clemson University

    Date: Tuesday, October 1st, 2024
    Time: 10 AM NZDT
    Location: LIVE ON Facebook & YouTube via Zoom

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/891598706215859

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xO1M61EPgY8

    Brief description of the lecture:

    We argue that engaging diverse publics in ongoing instructional communication is critical to effectively managing risks, mitigating harms, and responding to crises in a complex global risk society. Communication theory becomes meaningful for achieving these goals only when it is applied directly to and with the risk-bearers it is intended to serve.  Moreover, engaging stakeholders in the co-construction of meaning and decision-making inherent in effective instructional communication must be ongoing. In this presentation, we explore strategies for doing so effectively using the IDEA model for effective instructional risk and crisis communication as a framework.

    About the Speakers:

    Prof. Deanna D. Sellnow, Ph.D., Clemson University

    Deanna D. Sellnow (Ph.D.) is Professor and Chair of the Department of Communication at Clemson University. Dr. Sellnow’s research focuses on strategic instructional communication in the contexts of health, risk, safety, and crisis communication (e.g., natural disasters, health, food safety, pandemics, biosecurity, terrorism, biotechnology). She has conducted funded research for the United States Geological Survey (USGS), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Department of Homeland Security (DHS), United States Department of Education (DOE), United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO), and the German Research Foundation (DFG). She is former President of the Central States Communication Association where she was inducted into the Fall of Fame in 2018. She currently serves as the founding Executive Director of the International Crisis and Risk Communication Association (ICRCA) and has been co-host of the International Crisis and Risk Communication Conference (ICRCC) since 2016.  She is also past editor of the Journal of Communication Pedagogy, Communication Teacher, and the Basic Communication Course Annual. She has authored or co-authored numerous books, book chapters, and refereed national and international journal articles. She has conducted and/or presented research in a variety of countries around the world. Her most recent book, co-authored with Dr. Timothy Sellnow, is Before Crisis: The Practice of Effective Risk Communication.

    Prof. Timothy L. Sellnow, Ph.D., Clemson University

    Timothy L. Sellnow is a professor of communication at Clemson University. His research focuses on risk and crisis communication. He has conducted funded research for the Department of Homeland Security, the United States Department of Agriculture, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Environmental Protection Agency, the United States Geological Survey, and the World Health Organization. He has also served in an advisory role for the National Academy of Sciences, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the International Food and Information Council, and the Food and Drug Administration. He is past winner of the National Communication Association’s Gerald Phillips Award for Distinguished Applied Communication Scholarship and past editor or Journal of Applied Communication Research. He has co-authored seven books on risk and crisis communication and has published many refereed journal articles. His most recent book, co-authored with Dr. Deanna Sellnow, is Before Crisis: Strategies for Effective Risk Communication.

    #CAREMassey #CARECCA #CARELectureSeries #MasseyUniversity #ClemsonUniversity #AppliedCommunication #DeannaSellnow #TimothySellnow #RiskCommunication #CrisisManagement #InstructionalCommunication #IDEAModel #PublicEngagement #CommunicationResearch

    Opinion: The Free Speech Union: Leaping from climate surveys to moral panic

    Wednesday 18 September 2024 by Professor Mohan Dutta

    Photo credit: Skitterphoto via Pixabay.

    The trope of academic freedom in danger is a critical resource in the organised attack of the far-right on the modern university. One of the core techniques of the far-right in its efforts to destabilise academic institutions, is cook up a frenzy around free speech – intentionally conflating free speech issues with academic freedom. As an exemplar of the communicative inversions performed by the far-right, the panic around academic freedom is actually a critical tool in catalysing attacks on the academic freedom of decolonising practices in the university environment. What the far-right, and the underlying infrastructure of white supremacy is triggered by, is that universities are slowly transforming, starting to acknowledge that centuries of colonial epistemic violence have erased the knowledge infrastructures of colonised peoples.

    In Aotearoa New Zealand, as I have demonstrated in my analyses, the Free Speech Union uses ideologically motivated faulty surveys to create panic around academic freedom. With a fundamentally incorrect understanding of academic freedom (the freedom of academics to teach and publish in their areas of expertise) that conflates it with free speech, the Union constructs its propaganda around specific ideological issues (Te Tiriti o Waitangi, gender justice, and so on) which are at the heart of the far- right’s culture war propaganda in Aotearoa.

    In its most recent campaign, the Free Speech Union has turned to releasing leaked climate surveys to construct the argument that academic freedom is under threat in Aotearoa. Deploying the tactical tool of leaks, it builds an affective register around academic climates, suggesting these environments are threatening academic freedom.

    In August, the Free Speech Union targeted the Law School at Auckland University of Technology (AUT), placing its propaganda around a leaked climate survey (to David Farrar, yes, the same David Farrar that runs the debunked Free Speech Union survey on academic freedom) that suggested faculty dissatisfaction. Commenting on the selective excerpts from the survey published on David Farrar’s blog, noted Jonathan Ayling, the Chief Executive of the Union:

    “Academics are being criticised and punished for speaking out, causing them and others to resort to self-censorship. Again, results from an internal law school survey displayed very low levels of satisfaction. This included 30% claiming they feel uncomfortable reporting inappropriate behaviour and more than one-in-three respondents experiencing bullying in the past six months.”

    Mr Ayling’s blog then reports on a letter sent out to the Minister of Education and the AUT Vice-Chancellor. When you look closely at the items shared on Mr Farrar’s blog however, there is not a single reported item on the blog that substantiates the claim “academics are being criticised and punished for speaking out.” You also won’t find an item that actually measures self-censorship.

    In other words, the frame around threat to academic freedom that is part of the moral panic crafted by the Free Speech Union in its press release and the letter to the Minister of Education is not substantiated empirically. There is no evidence of academics being punished for speaking out, as Mr Ayling claims.

    Professor Mohan Dutta.

    Mr Farrar’s blog embellishes the ideological reading of the survey with leaked emails and speculations. The survey creates the opening for attacking the Dean of Law at AUT who had spoken out against the attack on the teaching of Tikanga Māori. Writes Mr Farrar: “Now readers will recall that the Dean of Law is Khylee Quince and she attracted a lot of publicity when she called a senior KC a racist dinosaur who should go off and die in the corner.” The blog wraps up by further constructing the Dean as threat to academic freedom:

    “As you can see the results for the Law Faculty are much much lower than AUT as a whole. So this would suggest the major issue is not the central administration, but the faculty management itself. I am told by sources that everyone knows what the major problem is, but people are too scared to say so.”

    Note here the slippage from the report of a leaked climate survey to hearsay – the architecture of gossip in: “everyone knows what the major problem is, but people are too scared to say so.”

    It is worth noting the targeting of the AUT Dean of Law, Māori academic Khylee Quince, is part of a broader campaign targeting senior Māori academics (often women) who have spoken out publicly against the white supremacist structures that make up universities in settler colonial Aotearoa New Zealand, and their organised campaigns directed at erasing the decolonising registers that have been built through decades of struggle. The ideologically motivated campaign around academic freedom mobilised by Mr Farrar and Free Speech Union works on slippages to construct the narrative of academic freedom under threat. Implicit in this, is the positioning of Te Tiriti o Waitangi as a threat to academic freedom in Aotearoa.

    Indeed, the academic climate of settler colonial universities, embedded in whiteness and mobilised to uphold white supremacy, has worked historically to erase decolonising registers of knowledge generation. Prevailing norms of whiteness have devalued and undermined Indigenous knowledge claims, often working aggressively to silence decolonising scholarship. The voices of Indigenous and postcolonial academics have historically been silenced, with the academic freedom to do decolonising scholarship severely constrained by the norms of whiteness, upheld by notions of civility and norms of communication within white academic structures.

    As universities in Aotearoa New Zealand, as with universities across settler colonial spaces globally, have started their decolonising journeys around reconciliation and recognition of Indigenous rights, the far-right white supremacist campaign seeking to silence these efforts has worked incessantly to construct decolonisation as a threat to academic freedom. The implicit and explicit targeting of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the positioning of Te Tiriti in opposition to academic freedom must be read within the broader architecture of the global proliferation of white supremacist backlash against decolonisation. Any conversation on academic freedom must begin with the recognition that the far-right panic around academic freedom is a threat to the academic freedom of academics studying, teaching, researching and publicly engaging on decolonisation, postcolonial theory, critical race theory etc. It must also be noted that academics teaching and researching in these areas have historically faced diverse intersecting forms of marginalisation, harassment, and threats to their academic freedom.

    Professor Mohan Dutta is Dean’s Chair Professor of Communication. He is the Director of the Center for Culture-Centered Approach to Research and Evaluation (CARE), developing culturally-centered, community-based projects of social change, advocacy, and activism that articulate health as a human right. He is a member of the board of the International Communication Association.

    Article Source: Massey News

    URL: https://www.massey.ac.nz/about/news/opinion-the-free-speech-union-leaping-from-climate-surveys-to-moral-panic/

    CARE | Future Directions Of Applied Communication Research Lecture Series | Leveraging Network Science to Address Grand Societal Challenges

    The Second Lecture:

    Leveraging Network Science to Address Grand Societal Challenges with Professor Noshir Contractor, Jane S. & William J. White Professor of Behavioural Sciences, Northwestern University.

    This second lecture in the Future Directions of Applied Communication Research Lecture Series is from Professor Noshir Contractor from Northwestern University. It centres around network science and how it can support applied communication scholarship.

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1548409152440542

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbyRrGhqcTc

    Noshir Contractor is the Jane S. & William J. White Professor of Behavioral Sciences in the McCormick School of Engineering, the School of Communication and the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. He investigates how social and knowledge networks form and perform. He is the former President of the International Communication Association. He is also a Distinguished Scholar of the National Communication Association and a Fellow of the Academy of Management, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Association for Computing Machinery, the Network Science Society, and the International Communication Association. He received the Lifetime Service Award from the Communication, Digital Technology, & Organization Division of the Academy of Management. Additionally, he received the Simmel Award from the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA). He received the Distinguished Alumnus Award from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras where he received a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering. He has a Ph.D. from the Annenberg School of Communication at the University of Southern California.

    #NetworkSCience #SocietalChallenges #NoshirContractor #NorthwesternUniversity #AppliedCommunicationResearch #CARELectureSeries #CARECCA #CAREMassey #MasseyUni #Aotearoa #NewZealand

    Future Directions of Applied Communication Research Lecture Series | Strategies for Conducting Applied Communication Research that Can Make a Difference

    Lecture Topic: Strategies for Conducting Applied Communication Research that Can Make a Difference with Distinguished Professor Gary Kreps, George Mason University

    Tuesday, 3rd September 2024 @ 10 am NZST on Facebook LIVE & YouTube LIVE!  

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/share/RMBrKaZwjuCLG5XZ/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/live/H-KCN0hnwuU

    About the Lecturer: Prof. Gary Kreps is completing his 20th year on the faculty at George Mason University, where he currently serves as a Distinguished University Professor of Communication and Founding Director of the Center for Health and Risk Communication.   Prof. Gary teaches courses concerning Communication Research, Health Communication, Risk Communication, Interpersonal Communication, Organizational Communication, Consumer-Provider Health Communication, Health Communication Campaigns, and Digital Communication.  

    Prior to joining the faculty at Mason, he had the pleasure of serving as the Founding Chief of the Health Communication and Informatics Research Branch at the National Cancer Institute (NIH), where he planned, developed, and coordinated major new national research and outreach initiatives concerning risk communication, health promotion, behavior change, technology development, and information dissemination to promote effective cancer prevention, screening, control, care, and survivorship.

    Prof. Gary also served as the Founding Dean of the School of Communication at Hofstra University, Executive Director of the Greenspun School of Communication at UNLV, and in faculty and administrative roles at Northern Illinois, Rutgers, Indiana, and Purdue Universities.  

    Read more here

    Read more about the CARE Lecture Series:


    #AppliedCommunicationResearch #CARELectureSeries #CommunicationResearch #GaryKreps #CAREMassey #MasseyUni #GeorgeMasonUniversity #CARECCA #Aotearoa #NewZealand

    Prof. Mohan Dutta ranked in the Top 10 scholars globally for his research in Cultural Studies

    The Center for Culture-centered Approach to Research and Evaluation (CARE) congratulates Professor Mohan Dutta for being ranked among the Top 0.5% of all scholars worldwide by ScholarGPS.

    ScholarGPS “provides rankings of individuals and institutions Overall (in all Fields) in 14 broad Fields and in 350,000+ Specialities.

    Professor Dutta is ranked 12 worldwide in his field of Journalism for his research accomplishments over the prior 5 Years and is ranked 30 worldwide in Journalism in the Lifetime.

    In his specialisation area of Cultural Studies, he is ranked  number 7 worldwide for prior 5 Years. During the same period, he is ranked 4 worldwide for the quality of his scholarship. He is ranked 17 in the area of Cultural Change.

    For his accomplishments in the area of Social Change, he is ranked 35 worldwide in the Lifetime. He is ranked 18 worldwide over the prior 5 Years for his productivity in the scholarship of Social Change, and 24 for his productivity in area over Lifetime.