This stream of academic-activist-community partnerships at CARE examine the role of racism in shaping the lived experiences with cardiovascular disease in minority communities, tracing the pathways through which racism impacts heart health, and seeking to build community-led heart health campaigns and advocacy efforts directed at transforming racist structures. One of the earliest projects carried out by CARE is a partnership with the Indiana Minority Health Coalition, the Lake County Minority Health Coalition, and Marion County Minority Health Coalition in creating a community-led framework for prevention and advocacy directed at structural transformation. Funded by the Agency of HealthCare Research and Quality (AHRQ), the foundational project on heart health created a communication infrastructure for African American communities in Indiana, U.S. to lead prevention, health communication, and health advocacy efforts. African American community members at the “margins of the margins” of Lake and Marion Counties in Indiana led the design and development of a communication strategy for the dissemination of comparative effectiveness research (CER) on cardiovascular disease. Through community fairs, community events, local media, provider networks, and digital media, the comparative effectiveness research was disseminated, building an infrastructure for participation of African Americans in evidence-based decision-making in the realm of heart health. The root partnerships resulted in multiple community-led efforts at addressing heart disease, including a youth-led effort.

Application and Dissemination of a culture-centered approach to tailoring Comparative Effectiveness Research Summary Guides (CERSG)
Innovative Adaptation and Dissemination of AHRQ Comparative Effectiveness Research Products
In 2010, several news stories were written up on the $1.5 million grant from AHRQ. The grant has been planned as a culture-centered project involving local African American communities in Lake and Marion counties to address the heart health disparities experienced by African Americans. The project was publicized by the Purdue University News Service
The following media outlets covered the project:
Associated Press | BlackPride |
Chicago Defender | Inside Indiana Business |
Journal & Courier | Lafayette Online |
My Black News | National Health IT Collaborative for the Underserved |
Newsone | Northwest Indiana Times |
Praise Cleveland | Target Market News |
Valpolife | WTLC AM 1310 |