Lecture #1 with Prof. Mohan Dutta Dean’s Chair Professor, Massey University and Director, CARE

Event Details:
Wednesday, 24th February 2021 @ 12PM NZDT
Venue: CARE Lab BSC 1.06, Manawatu campus, Massey University
Facebook Livestream: @CAREMassey
Link: TBC
About the Lecture Series:
In this three part lecture, Professor Mohan Dutta, Dean’s Chair Professor and Director, CARE will critically interrogate the interplays of colonialism and capitalism in shaping the metrics-driven University. The critical interrogation will serve as the basis for imagining a politics of renewal that foregrounds the concepts of community, collective, and care as the basis for decolonization work. In the first lecture, the metrics-driven framework of higher education will be described and critically analysed. The second lecture will offer a nuts-and-bolts analysis of the metrics driving universities globally. The third and final lecture of the series will draw out decolonizing strategies of resistance that interrogate the political economy of metrics and offer alternative imaginaries. The lecture will wrap up with a collective conversation on decolonizing possibilities that offer pathways for social change.
#CARELectureSeries, #DecolonizingMetrics, #ReImaginingUniversity, #CARECCA #CAREMassey, #MasseyUni