#WHATWESAYMATTERS is a CARE campaign created by whanau of Ngati Kauwhata Feilding, Manawatū to allow our voices to be heard.
Check out our facebook page: @whatwesaymatters
Our Whānau Voices Matter We reject the modern day confiscation of our ancestral land. There is an alternate site to build the stopbank, closer to the river, instead Council chose to divert through the few remaining acres of Māori whenua. #Notonemoreacre
Racially driven laws and practices are still being used to control and confiscate ancestral Māori whenua (land) in 2020 in Aotearoa New Zealand. Shocked, heartbroken and angry the trustees and whānau (families) of the whenua reject this modern day land confiscation by mounting a campaign to prevent further loss of their ancestral land and the destruction of hundreds of trees along the Ōroua river bank.
For more information: #OurWhānauVoicesMatter #Notonemoreacre #Horizons #environment
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News/Media Stories
Iwi dreams of restoring life force to its degraded river
Manawatū iwi call for end of ‘racist and discriminatory’ housing restrictions
Officials halt stopbank construction as Māori land owners occupy land