Being recognised in our own College, the Massey Business School, for our research excellence, gives us joy, says Prof. Mohan Dutta. CARE is grateful to the significant contributions made by Dr. Phoebe Elers as a postdoctoral fellow. Phoebe has led a range of culture-centered interventions and is an important contributor to the theorising of the culture-centered approach (CCA).

The 2022 MSA MBS Research Excellence Award is presented to Dr. Phoebe Elers, Prof. Mohan Dutta and Senior Lecturer Dr. Steve Elers from School of Communication Journalism and Marketing, Massey Business School for the paper: Culturally centering digital inclusion and marginality: A case study in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Link to paper- https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/14614448211063180