CARE | Future Directions Of Applied Communication Research Lecture Series
The Fourth Lecture: Beyond Binary Thinking in Applied Communication Research with Professor Debbie S. Dougherty | University of Missouri

Lecture 4 | Beyond Binary Thinking in Applied Communication Research
Date: Thursday, October 10, 2024
Time: 10 AM NZDT
Location: LIVE ON Facebook & YouTube via Zoom
About the Speaker: Debbie S. Dougherty (Ph.D. University of Nebraska, 2000) is Professor of Communication at University of Missouri. Her research focuses on power and organizing, particularly as it relates to sexual harassment, social class, and emotions. with publications in places such as Harvard Business Review, Human Relations, Journal of Communication, Human Communication Research, Communication Monographs, Management Communication Quarterly, Journal of Applied Communication Research, and Sex Roles.
She has also provided organizational communication training and development in a number of organizations and has been extensively utilized as a resource for news sources such as the New York Times, Newsweek, Forbes, and the Oprah Magazine.
Prof. Dougherty has received a number of awards, including the Organizational Communication Book of the Year and Textbook of the Year, NCA Applied Communication Scholar Award, The Jack Kay Award for Engaged Research, the Management Communication Quarterly Article of the Year Award, the Norman K. Denzin Qualitative Research Award, the Excellence in Education Award, and the Gold Chalk Award for graduate student mentoring.
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