Auckland Mayor Phil Goff responds to CARE: Center for Culture-Centered Approach to Research and Evaluation research in Glen Innes, New Zealand

Mayor Phil Goff is interviewed and directly addresses CARE research findings in Glen Innes being done by Dr. Phoebe Elers & Dr. Steve Elers
#PovertyIsNotOurFuture #Auckland #GlenInnes #CAREMassey #MasseyUni #MasseyCJM #CAREResearch #NewZealand
#waateanews #NZPol
Link to article:…/GI-rebuild-on-right-track—Go… #

Mayor Phil Goff is interviewed and directly addresses CARE research findings in Glen Innes being done by Dr. Phoebe Elers & Dr. Steve Elers
#PovertyIsNotOurFuture #Auckland #GlenInnes #CAREMassey #MasseyUni #MasseyCJM #CAREResearch #NewZealand
#waateanews #NZPol
Link to article:…/GI-rebuild-on-right-track—Go…

LIVE interview with Dr. Phoebe Elers on Radio Waatea about Poverty Is Not Our Future campaign

Dr. Phoebe Elers, CARE Massey spoke on Radio Waatea about the forthcoming launch of #PovertyIsNotOurFuture campaign. Waatea News and interviews are broadcasted on all 21 radio stations of the Iwi Radio Network.

To know more, follow us on our campaign page- Poverty Is Not Our Future or visit CARE: Center for Culture-Centered Approach to Research and Evaluation website
#PovertyIsNotOurFuture #Auckland #GlenInnes #CAREMassey #MasseyUni #MasseyCJM #CAREResearch #NewZealand #waateanews #IwiRadioNetwork #NZPol

Culturally-Centering Communication and Social Change: Dalit Development

An informative lecture by Professor Mohan J Dutta about Dalit Development

Culturally-Centering Communication and Social Change: Dalit Development

An informative lecture by Professor Mohan J Dutta about Dalit Development

Posted by CARE: Center for Culture-Centered Approach to Research and Evaluation on Thursday, 6 February 2020

Professor Mohan J Dutta Dean’s Chair In Communication & Director, CARE, Massey University

Follow us on :Facebook @CAREMassey or click below

Prof Mohan and the Deconstruction of the News Hour Debate on Feb 10

So what makes up news? Prof Mohan analyses an episode of the “News Hour Debate” to address the role of the Indian media in cooking up the anti-nationalism debate in India. By providing a few points to lay out the criteria of what makes news, Prof Mohan then deconstructs the Feb 10 episode and goes on to highlight the role of the media in shaping the national conversation and in driving public opinion in a one-sided manner. He also addresses how the media here serve as propaganda tools of the state. Watch the clip below.

A Workshop with Professor Teresa Thompson

We were graced with the presence of Professor Teresa Thompson who shared with us her insights and experiences on various aspects of health communication. Spanning over 3 days, the workshop has given the participants a chance to interact with Professor Thompson and share their related experiences with her. If you have missed the workshop, here is your chance to catch up with what you have missed.

DAY 01 – Health Communication: Interdisciplinary, Multidisciplinary, Transdisciplinary Covering the history of the development of the field of Health Communication and the many perspectives that are brought to bear in the study of the interrelationships of communication, health, and health care delivery, this workshop will also emphasize relevant publication outlets and key trends in the field. Practical application and dissemination of research will be an important focus.

DAY 02 – Health Risk Communication: New Challenges for the World Health Organization The World Health Organization is undertaking the development of empirically-based risk guidelines for addressing health epidemics and natural disasters. This workshop will focus upon the directions this project is taking and how these guidelines will be used.

DAY 02 – Health Communication Campaigns: Audiences, Messages, Effects Health campaign research has grown to be one of the biggest areas of areas of study in Health Communication. This workshop will emphasize theoretical bases for campaigns, the development and testing of messages, and implementation of change initiatives.

DAY 03’s session was not recorded as it was a sharing session between Prof Teresa and the participants.

Prof. Mohan on “Health Information Inequality”

In this video, Prof. Mohan addresses the issue of Information Inequality within the context of policies and agreements that impact human health. There are only certain information that is made accessible to the public regarding these policies and the decisions made within agreements usually involve very little public participation. Prof Mohan argues that these two elements have very important health consequences that are not being argued about, and thus the need for more democratic spaces.