CARE Activist In Residence Workshop by Dr.Murdoch Stephens

Topic: On starting, continuing and excelling in a DIY, grass roots political campaign

CARE: Center for Culture-Centered Approach to Research and Evaluation School of Communication, Journalism and Marketing – Massey University


Topic: On starting, continuing and excelling in a DIY, grass roots political campaign

Presented by : Dr.Murdoch Stephens
Editor-in-Chief, Lawrence & Gibson Publishing &Doing our bit – Double NZ’s refugee quota

Wednesday, 21st November 2018 @ 10.00am – 12.00pm
GLB3.08, Geography Building
Manawatu campus, Massey University


All Welcome. Free Event

Mediasite Streaming :

#CAREMassey #CAREActivistInResidenceProgram#GrassRootsPoliticalCampaign#OfficialInformationAct #DoingOurBit#DoubleTheQuota
#MasseyCJM #MasseyUni

CARE: Center for Culture-Centered Approach to Research and Evaluation & School of Communication, Journalism and Marketing – Massey University present:


For who, by who? Reflections on campaigning and prospects for refugee led organisations in an expanded refugee quota.

Presented by : Dr. Murdoch Stephens.
Editor-in-Chief,Lawrence & Gibson Publishing & Doing our bit – Double NZ’s refugee quota

Tuesday, 20th November 2018 @ 1.00pm – 2.00 pm
GLB1.14, Geography Building
Manawatu campus, Massey University

Video Link to Auckland: AT4 and Wellington: 5C20 & 5D08


All Welcome. Free Event

Mediasite Streaming…/eca909af36874595ad92d9b4a9a…/

#CAREMassey #CAREActivistInResidenceProgram #ForwhoByWho #DoingOurBit #DoubleTheQuota
#MasseyCJM #MasseyUni


Dr. Murdoch Stephens

CARE is delighted to share our third  and upcoming collaboration with Activist-In-Residence: Dr. Murdoch Stephens.

Dr. Stephens is the editor of publishing collective Lawrence & Gibson. He has a PhD on critical theory and climate change from Massey
University, and was the driving force behind the double the refugee quota campaign, which is now government policy. He has published dozens of opinion editorials, academic articles and book chapters on New Zealand’s refugee quota and the country’s response to the refugee
crisis. He recently completed a PhD focused on how four contemporary critical theorists have written of climate change. A version of that work was published as Critical Environmental Communication: How does critique respond to the urgency of climate change? in 2018 by Lexington.

During his time with CARE, as an activist Dr. Stephens will deliver:

Public Talk: ‘For who, by who? Reflections on campaigning and prospects for refugee led organisations in an expanded refugee quota.’

Workshop: On starting, continuing and excelling in a DIY, grass roots political campaign.

White Paper: The state helps the refugee speak: dialogue, ventriloquism or something else?


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Click on the url link for media related articles on Murdoch Stephens 


CARE is delighted to share our upcoming collaboration with Activist-In-Residence: Dr. James Gomez. He will collaborate with CARE on Communication, Democracy, and Freedom in Asia, highlighting the ‘Fake News’ challenge to democracy and co-produce a CARE White Paper with Prof. Mohan Dutta during his residency.

Dr. James Gomez is the Chair, Board of Directors of Asia Centre,  a not-for-profit organisation that  seeks to create human rights  impact in the South-east Asia region. Dr. James will be presenting on ‘Fake News’ and it’s impact on democracy. During his time with CARE, as an activist he will deliver a public talk,  conduct a workshop on a method  of social change communication, and  collaborate with the CARE team on developing a white paper. Dr. Gomez currently oversees its operations in both Thailand and Malaysia and is leading the partnerships for the Centre’s many activities in other parts of the region.

Dr. James Gomez brings to Asia Centre over 25 years of international and regional experience in leadership roles at universities, think-tanks, inter-governmental agencies and non- governmental organisations. He is the convener of Asia Centre’s upcoming  international conference on Fake News and  Elections in Asia, 10-12 July, Bangkok, Thailand.


23rd – WORKSHOP:  Developing an advocacy strategy for Rohingya refugees in Southeast Asia.

24th – PUBLIC TALK: Fake News, Digital Democracy and State Repression



Please RSVP here for more information on these events.

Click on the url link for media related articles on Dr James Gomez

Sue Bradford takes up residence as Massey University’s activist at CARE

“Activists and academics are not typical bedfellows, but Sue Bradford is making sure the two parties can learn from each other.

The well-known activist and former Green Party MP is the activist in residence at Massey University in Palmerston North for a week. Bradford was asked about a month ago by professor Mohan Dutta​, who is the dean’s chair of communication for the new Centre for Culture-Centred Approach to Research and Evaluation, to take the position.

The two are producing a paper on the partnership between academics and activists in struggles of the oppressed.  Universities often have an artist in residence, but having an activist is not as common. “This question around the relationship between people who are active outside in grassroots organisations and how people inside the universities can work together is quite fraught and difficult because there are often problems,” Bradford said. “But there are also huge advantages to both. It has never been an easy path in this country.”

She said this week was an opportunity to explore the relationship between activists and academics.”Often, academics are seen as people that come in and do research on us, do their PhDs on us.” She wasn’t given any instruction about what she could do while being the activist in residence. Bradford said there wasn’t the same level of political activity in this generation of students as there had been in the past.

On Wednesday, she spoke to students about her background in the 1980s and 1990s working with an unemployment workers group and unions, and on Thursday she held a workshop with Manawatū activists and students. At 2pm on Friday she is speaking about social movements and her history in and out of Parliament, having previously been an MP for 10 years.

“It’s a completely new experience but at the same time I’m into new experiences and finding out about new people.”

Bradford said the CARE centre worked on transforming structures through communication, culture and community, and that’s what she had spent her life doing, so was keen to be involved. Bradford works for the Kotare Trust in Auckland, which does research in education for social change in Aotearoa.

Dutta brought the CARE centre with him to Massey from the National University of Singapore and he is a leading scholar for health communication and is a researcher of indigenous rights and activism. He said the work of CARE was about creating communication platforms for democratic spaces so communities in disenfranchised places had a voice. The centre also looks at poverty and health for migrants and refugees.”

Article Source: 

Article Link: 

Click on the url link for media related articles on Sue Bradford



CARE Activist in Residence: Public Talk by Dr. Sue Bradford- Live Streaming

Wednesday 3rd OCTOBER, 2018, 1.00 pm – 2.00 pm


GLB3.08 | Geography Building, Manawatu campus | MBS1.42 Massey Business School Seminar Room, Auckland campus | 5D12 Communication Lab, Wellington campus


Please click on the URL link for more media related articles on Sue Bradford