Prof. Mohan Op-ed featured on The Straits Times

Our director, Prof Mohan Dutta, has written an op-ed piece featured on The Straits Times which talks about what inspired him to attain this spirit of always questioning and going back to the evidence, however incomplete or uncertain. He feels that the language of science is being used to shut out conversations or to push notions of development rather than creating a space to question any assumptions and beliefs on the basis of evidence.

“To question means to hold our existing values and beliefs to scrutiny. The spirit of scienceis also public, subjecting scientific claims to public deliberation and examination. Thus, transparency and debate are two key elements of the scientific process.”

Follow the article through this link.

Prof. Mohan on “Health Information Inequality”

In this video, Prof. Mohan addresses the issue of Information Inequality within the context of policies and agreements that impact human health. There are only certain information that is made accessible to the public regarding these policies and the decisions made within agreements usually involve very little public participation. Prof Mohan argues that these two elements have very important health consequences that are not being argued about, and thus the need for more democratic spaces.

Prof Mohan’s Interview on The Straits Times

Influencers. A new community of people on social media that has taken the online world by storm and creating a whole new phenomenon, especially with the recent online spat between Xiaxue and Gushcloud. In this article, Prof Mohan gives his opinion on this concept and how it has changed the current digital climate. Follow the link below to read more on this story.

Campaign for Singapore’s Foreign Domestic Workers Featured on 938 Live’s “They Are Making a Difference”

Our “Respect Our Rights” campaign was covered during the 938 Live “They are Making a Difference” segment. The campaign, conceived by Prof. Mohan Dutta, is aimed at changing the perceptions and raising awareness of the plight of foreign domestic workers in Singapore.

Take a listen to the clip below as Prof Mohan talks about the campaign with DJ Daphne Lim.

Professor Mohan Dutta’s Article on Inequality and Health Featured in The Strait Times

Read the analysis by Professor Mohan Dutta as he delves into the critical relationship between inequality and health in his compelling article featured in The Strait Times. In this article, he provides valuable perspectives on the intersection of social disparities and public health, underscoring the urgency for collective action towards creating equitable health outcomes.

‘Films for Social Change’: Screening of “Wira Pdika” by Samarendra Das

Join us on 24 October for a captivating journey through the heart of Orissa’s tribal communities with a 120-minute screening of “Wira Pdika.” This poignant documentary unveils the staggering discrimination and injustices faced by these resilient communities at the hands of large mining and metal industries. Following the screening, engage in a Q&A session with filmmaker Samarendra Das and CARE director Prof. Mohan Dutta, as they illuminate the Adivasi struggle for justice and amplification of their voices.

Films for Social Change is an initiative by the Center for Culture-Centered Approach to Research and Evaluation (CARE), a health communication research centre based in the National University of Singapore.

To register for either or both events, please click here. Brought to you by CARE, with kind support from UTown Residence.

You can find more information on Prof Dutta’s research work here.

‘Films for Social Change’: Screening of ‘The Dreaming Vendors’ By Ahmed Abid

Join us on 4 September, 2013 for a screening of ‘The Dreaming Vendors’, a poignant documentary that follows the lives of two Bangladeshi street vendors. Their aspirations to escape poverty lead them to seek work in Malaysia, only to become ensnared by human traffickers. Following the screening, engage in a Q&A session with filmmaker Ahmed Abid and CARE director Prof. Mohan Dutta.

Films for Social Change is an initiative by the Center for Culture-Centered Approach to Research and Evaluation (CARE), a health communication research centre based in the National University of Singapore.